The Welcome Post
16 March 2021
Hello and welcome!
I should start off by introducing you to the blog, “Behind the Scenes”. Behind the Scenes is all about sharing my experiences, testing new DIY’s, showcasing new projects I’ve been working on, and breaking down my creative process. It’s also here to give you guys some inspiration and get you up and doing something creative!
The idea behind this blog began with my want to share what i’ve been working on, it also gave me a way to reach out to those in the community/customers who are interested into what exactly goes on in my jewelry making process. I’ve always wanted to have a place to share the DIY’s that I’ve tried out and give others some new ideas and inspiration. Growing up, I always saw these incredible Youtube and Instagram pages with people trying new things and showing off the unique fashion accessories they had DIY’ed. I can confidently say this has been my main source of inspiration for starting this blog and after many years of admiring these people in silence, I decided I wanted to try what they were doing for myself!
One of the things I want to incorporate into this blog is ideas and DIY’s that you want to see done, and I want to give you guys some behind the scenes of what I do and how I do it. Every other week there will be a new post with new ideas with my favorite projects being highlighted for that time. I’ll walk you through my work, some personal projects, and DIY’s of the week and hopefully get you up and feeling creative!
I am so excited about this and I can’t wait to share it with all of you, stay tuned for more!
psst…the picture is of some of my quick quarantine paintings.
Kabenzie :)